U.S. Patent Pending 17456176

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Solution Engineering Tool (SET™)

Increase the Odds of Winning Your Next Bid

Business People Discussion

There is no doubt: Winning high-dollar mission/business-critical competitive pursuits takes a lot of effort—especially those that move the needle for your company in the marketplace in terms of annual revenue.

In competitive pursuits, if you do not have the strengths to score the points against evaluation factors in advance of writing the proposal, what are you writing to?

Use the SaaS-based Solution Engineering Tool (SET™) to more easily and confidently build a blueprint to win your next competitive pursuit—and the one after that.

SET allows bid and proposal managers to work with the pursuit team in the early phases of a competitive effort to perform the necessary analyses to formulate the strategies to score the points you need to amass to win and much more.

Increase Confidence in Wins  Lower Cost of Capturing Business  Expand Company Value